
The Wikipedia definition is excellent: globalisation is the process of interaction and integration between people, companies, and governments worldwide. The International Monetary Fund (2000) identified four basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital movements and investment, migration of people and the dissemination of knowledge. Global heating and the financial crisis of 2008 are both global phenomena.

Relevant papers:

Forms of globalisation: from ‘capitalism unleashed’ to a global green new deal” – Mitchie, 2018

Beyond peak emission transfers: historical impacts of globalisation and future impacts of climate policies on international emissions transfers” – Wood et al., 2019


International Monetary Fund (2000) Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?, IMF Publications.

Michie, J. (2018). Forms of globalisation: from ‘capitalism unleashed’ to a global green new deal, European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 15:2, 163-173. DOI:

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