Achieving 2°C climate stabilisation: macroeconomic benefits or costs?

Achieving 2°C climate stabilisation: macroeconomic benefits or costs?
Purpose of conference

The workshop will address issues associated with the costs of stringent mitigation of climate change (say 450ppmv CO2-equivalent by 2100) required for an even chance of achieving the 2°C target adopted by the international community in order to maintain climate stability.

There have been several comparative studies of different aspects of the problem, and the workshop will focus on

  • The “Green Growth” idea
  • Is the 2°C target feasible, reasonable and achievable with macro-benefits?
  • Do the E3 models capture historical transitions?
  • E3 (Energy-Environment-Economy) modelling of the 2°C target: the literature on the benefits and costs of achieving the target
  • Modelling the achievement of the 2°C target: different approaches (demand-driven growth, simulation and equilibrium modelling)
  • Multiple objectives for GHG mitigation policy: investment and reduction of risk
  • The financial crisis and the 2°C target: a “New Economics” global policy response

The emphasis will be on new thinking in economics.

Event date
4 July 2013 -
5 July 2013
Madingley Hall, Cambridge, UK
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