Hector Pollitt is a Director and Head of International Modelling at Cambridge Econometrics, the trading subsidiary of the Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economcis. He has extensive experience in the development and application of macroeconomic modelling tools for impact analysis. He has overall responsibility for maintenance of the company’s European E3ME model and for its development of the global E3MG model. Recent applications of these models include contributions to the European Commission’s communications on the possible decision to move to a 30% GHG target and official Impact Assessments of the EU’s: the Energy Efficiency Directive and the Energy Taxation Directive. He is also in charge of the sectoral employment projections that provide the basis for the EU’s skill forecasts published by CEDEFOP. He has also recently carried out detailed reviews of current state-of-the-art modelling approaches for policy analysis, and he has led in the creation of the UNFCCC’s model inventory and the most recent version of the European Commission’s IA Tools model database.
Hector Pollitt