Annela is a Chief Executive of the CTNTE. She holds a PhD in Climate Change Economics and MPhil in Environmental Policy from the University of Cambridge and has been an active researcher in the area of climate change economics and policy for nearly 20 years.
Annela was Co-Chair of the Katowice Committee of Experts on the Impacts of the Implementation of Response Measures (KCI) of the UNFCCC from 2019-2021, and Vice-Chair of the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA from 2017 – 2020). In March 2020 she was invited to and became a Member of the Estonian Association for the Club of Rome. Annela also works as an EU negotiator to the UNFCCC, represents Estonia in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is a Vice-Chair of the Climate Policy Advisors of the World Meteorological Organisation’s Climate Coordination Panel, the Principle Investigator and Director of the University of Cambridge’s Climate Change Policy Group (CCPG), and is one of the founders of the Woman’s Climate Leaders’ Network (WCL).
Annela enjoys working closely with policymakers, businesses and environmental campaigners. Her research interests include macroeconomic analysis of impacts of climate change (and other environmental) policies on national economies, social implications (including gender, age and inequality impacts) of low-carbon transition, green growth, and applied macroeconomics. She advises developing and developed country governments and UN bodies, serves on advisory boards of academic bodies and institutions and is a visiting professor at universities in the EU and beyond. Annela loves sailing and practicing upright bass and is the mother of two children.