Prof Diane Elson holds a Chair in Sociology at the University of Essex, UK, and is a member of the university’s Centre for Research in Economic Sociology and Innovation and the Essex Human Rights Centre. Her academic degrees include a BA in philosophy, politics and economics from the University of Oxford; and a PhD in economics from the University of Manchester. She has acted as advisor to UNIFEM, UNDP, Oxfam and other development agencies; and is a past Vice President of the International Association for Feminist Economics. Her recent publications include: Budgeting for Women’s Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW, UNIFEM, New York, 2006; ‘ “Women’s rights are human rights”: campaigns and concepts’, in L. Morris (ed) Rights: Sociological Perspectives, Routledge, 2006. ‘Macroeconomic policy, employment, unemployment and gender equality’ in J.A. Ocampo and K.S. Jomo (eds) Towards Full and Decent Employment, Zed Books and Orient Longman, 2007; ‘Gender Issues in Development’, in A.K.Dutt and J.Ros (eds) International Handbook of Development Economics, Edward Elgar, 2008; (with R. Balakrishnan) ‘Auditing Economic Policy in the Light of Obligations on Economic and Social Rights’, Essex Human Rights Review, Vol. No 5. No. 1 , 2008; and ‘Gender Equality and Economic Growth in the World Bank World Development Report 2006’ , Feminist Economics 15(3) 2009. In 2006, she was honoured by the inclusion of a chapter on her research in D. Simon (ed). Fifty Key Thinkers in Development, Routledge. She is currently co-editing( together with Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Polly Vizard) a special issue of the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities on human development and human rights.
Prof Diane Elson